We are a team of very passionate safari fanatics who work hard to create a perfect safari experience for our clients. From the very first moment you contact us to booking to the actual safari we live by our slogan, 

“Where Memories are Made”

We stand by this slogan as we strongly believe a great safari should create positive life long memories and experiences. We know Tanzania and love the country. We specialize on crafting authentic safari experience primarily on Southern Circuit where the largest game reserve in Africa is found.


We also provide curated safaris on northern circuit and beach vacations on the beautiful tropical islands of Zanzibar. We are a licensed tour operator and handle the booking and the actual safari in-house; we do not outsource! We are locally owned tour operator with strong American connections. Our guides (who are all local native Tanzanians) are trained and exposed to global standards of hospitality and customer care. This ensures a top level unique safari for our clients. When you book your safari/tour with us you are guaranteed a safari experience that will stay with you for life!


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